Political discernment among Catholic Clergy in Tamil Nadu

5 min readJul 2, 2024


Fr. M. P. Jesuraj

Catholic Church consider discernment as a virtue because it involves both “Head and Heart” to judge properly. Since the clergy have to guide the people, the art of discernment is articulated to them during the time of formation. So the clergy suppose to be best in discerning. Here let us see how the catholic clergy, in Tamil Nadu, had discerned political issues throughout the history.

In India (Tamilnadu) the church was “apolitical”, this was due to soft corner for British rule. In other words, church always stood with the ruling party. At the same time the British rulers had helped much in social ministries of the church. So the Church has continued the same during the time of independence. After independence also the political leaders, except the RSS ideologists, had acknowledged and encouraged church ministry. But then both the clergy and the faithful had not thought of the politics.

After the Vatican II the church slightly thought about the local issues and problems of the people, especially the issues related to church run institutions, which lead the clergy to think about the secular and political issues. After the influence of the Liberation Theology, some of the clergy had involved in the political problems. Liberation Theology has paved way to Dalit Theology and Feminist Theology. In the name of rationalism E.V. Ramasamy Naikar has become the hero instead of Jesus, it is an adverse impact of Liberation Theology. But the fundamentalist groups (those who were in power centers), which did not want the social change, repeatedly advised to avoid political activities. So there were two types of understanding prevailed among the clergy and laity.

“Option for the poor” and “peripheral to mainline” notions were much reflected in the teachings and writings of the church, which had opened new windows to think of new ministries in church. At the same time caste politics and religious fundamentalism had a vital role to control the new initiatives. At last the church (clergy and laity) ended on “Religion” as their sole criteria of discernment. In spite of other problems like poverty, drugs, ecological issues….. they focused on their own religion.

When they speak on protecting the religion, they mean to protect the institutions (schools, colleges, etc.) which belongs to the religious, which did not include the welfare of Christian people (E.g. Dalit Christian reservation issue). This ideology is justified by the so-called liberation theologians that they are protecting Christianity from the RSS, underestimating all the struggles that were overcame by Church. In this background only we could analyze the political discernment of Catholic clergy in India (Tamil Nadu).

In Tamil Nadu, the Catholic Church often stands with DMK alliances. Is it the will of all clergy and laity? Then why this church holds on this stand? Because those who are in the position of decision-making are made to believe that DMK is protector of secularism and minority rights. Is it true? DMK is the first one to bring BJP in Tamil Nadu. During the rule of DMK the minority rights (regarding the education institutions) were reduced. DMK government allowed RSS rally in Tamil Nadu. Then how the church leaders believe that DMK is for minority? So DMK is the protector of minority, a myth.

Then what shall the clergy and laity can do in this situation?

First of all the Indian church must understand that India is a country of multi religions and cultures. When the church takes only ‘Religion’ as its criteria for discernment, it will lead to Christian fundamentalism, because one religion cannot be promoted like the RSS. So the church must consider the fact of multi religion in all acts of discerning.

Then Church must understand that Hinduism and caste system go together. If there are no casts there will not be Hinduism, because Hinduism is built on the basis of Varnāshrama Dharma, which approves the inferiority and superiority of caste system. If the church accepts the caste, may be for valid reasons, it will not grow in India. For example, When we analyze the Reservation policy, the religion is the criteria to decide the status of the people. If it is so, the oppressed Christian dalits will not get all the specialties, which the Hindu dalits gets. So the dalit people will not come to Christianity. That is why the Church should not encourage religion as the criteria for reservation.

Then what shall be the correct criteria for Indian situation?

As all know India became after the independence as one country; before that there were so many chieftains and kingdoms. The British has established India. When we look into the history the people were divided or identified with their language, which is the normal phenomenon all over the world. It is also true that Indian States are divided on the basis of language only. Instead of religion and caste system, if India uses ‘Language’ as the criteria for reservation, then the Hinduism will slowly die, because if there is no need of caste system, there will be no need of Hinduism. To save the plurality of India and to increase the number of Christians in India the Church has to take up the politics of language.

Then how the clergy of India (Tamilnadu) can discern?

As per the Indian Constitution every state has its own right to rule itself in coordination with union government. Due to one party rule, both Congress and BJP had already swallowed all the rights of states. Both Congress and BJP were always on the side of the corporate companies, they are not ready to address the basic problems of the poor. The rich are becoming richer and the poor are becoming poorer. So the Church has to pave the way to an alternative politics in India.

In India, the alternative politics can be, as I have mentioned above, Language politics, which means to protect the rights of the states without the criteria of religion and caste. We may call it as “United States of India” politics. For that our church has to stand with those who (movements, parties) are working for the welfare of their states (as like Nām Tamilar Party in Tamil Nadu.

You may question then how the state parties are going to rule India?

Of course, it is a big challenge because all the leaders have to cooperate for welfare of the country without losing their own state interest. Here the church has the duty to form good leaders for the interest of our country. Since we have nationwide network and institutions the clergy can easily work and support with the movements and parties. If the clergy commits for this cause I think we could make a new India.

(Fr. M. P. Jesuraj, Organizer, Tamilar Teciya Kirithavar Iyakkam, activist in the People’s movement against Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project; former candidate in 2014 Parliament election, Tirunelveli constituency)



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