Some hints as criteria for Discernment

3 min readFeb 7, 2024


Pf Amaldass

Photo: Devin Avery

There is a conflict between good and evil spirit, is obvious. However robust may be our faith in the love of God, faith is also unnervingly fragile. The love of God is inwardly disturbed by something more distressing, something utterly loveless. Some call it “the tragic sense of life.”

We all have inherited the great gift of freedom as human beings. So the divine spirit will not go against our freedom. Because freedom is the child of love, the divine spirit does not go against love. But the spirit of confusion will not respect the freedom of the humans. When we are haunted by such a specter, is there a way to discern what moves us in one direction or other?

The divine spirit gives us calmness and security.

Psalm 62, 2 tells us that the sprit of mistrust will discourage us to do anything. But the real belief is more than emotions. Emotions could often change. But the word of God does not change. John 20, 23 points out that it is never peppy and brash or impatient, does not put under pressure, treats always with love. But the spirit of confusion will discourage and make us restless, as if we are nothing and a holy life is far from possible etc.

The good spirit leads us to insightful ways.

St. Paul had to seek God’s plan through darkness. When one door was closed, another door was open. (Act of Apostles 16, 6–10). If I must go in a particular way — in faith or life situation- then from outside comes a concrete impulse. We see someone helping a blind man on the roadside. That makes us think. We see a mother patiently teaching the child to speak and consoles with a hug, when it cries out of fear. That touches our heart. But the spirit of confusion tries to make undue demands on us through exaggerations. One begins to pray and then gives up.

The good spirit respects the divine order.

The devil will tempt to jump down from the hill, since God will protect. Jesus would not go against the law of nature. (Mt. 4, 6) But the spirit of confusion will tempt us to over-speed, overpower others, over eat, spend sleepless night watching movies etc.

The good spirit lets us mature and grow.

Mark 4, 26 points out that one cannot become holy overnight. Honest attempt is enough. But the spirit of confusion will force us, put ultimatum, make unrealistic demands and break down instead of allowing us to grow with the time.

The good spirit abhors the evil, injustice and lies.

The divine spirit (conscience) warns us that we must change our ways. Gives us courage and hope and provides liberative hints without forcing us. (Jes. 1,18). But the evil spirit misuses our failures and willpower, that we are hopeless etc.

“I am useless for anything, impossible to correct etc. The devil creates fear and tension, makes us feel helpless, to the limit of doubting.

The good spirit leads us to forgiveness and reconciliation (John 20, 23).

Come to me and I will give you rest. (Mt. 11, 28) How often must I forgive? (Mt. 18, 21–22) But the spirit of confusion will argue: It is my right, I am after all a human being, why should I forgive? The other one was wicked towards me etc.

The good spirit leads to the essentials

Take care when your life is in danger (Eph. 5, 15–16). What is essential in life? Love your neighbor; all commands depend on this (Mt. 22, 37–39). But the spirit of confusion will lead you to depend on mobile or social media, and keeps us away from the personal reflection and discernment. We immerse ourselves in the virtual world and forge the real world outside.



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